Library Announcements


February is Black History Month

The history of Black Canadians and their struggle against slavery, racism, exclusion and inequality is a significant part of Ontario’s history.

It is appropriate and important to recognize and pay tribute to the contributions that Black Canadians have made to the history of this Province. They have contributed greatly to the shaping of Canada – at the forefront of the anti-slavery movement in the 1800s and during the human rights struggles in the 1900s.

By proclaiming the month of February as Black History Month, the Province of Ontario recognizes the valuable contributions that Black Canadians have made to Ontario’s economic, social, political and cultural fabric. Black History Month gives us the opportunity to remember, celebrate and educate future generations about Ontario’s rich history.

Check out the recommended books on your School Library Catalogue home page for more information. You can find eResources that support Black History Month in the Black History Month Kisok.



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